Necklace, If Not Now, Kotel Texture on Sterling Silver

Product Code: LSHWN5F

$135.00 USD

Renowned Jewish sage Hillel writes in the mishnaic Ethics of Our Ancestors, "If I am not for myself, who is for me? When I am for myself, what am I? If not now, when?" This final question, "when?" especially communicates a sense of urgency to advocate -- for justice and equity, for oneself and for others. From these questions, we learn the concept of hishtadlut, putting in effort by the rules of the material world, instead of waiting for a divine intervention of miraculous proportions; and the importance of supporting others in times of need.

  • Approximately 0.875" pendant on 16" chain
  • Pendant texture from the Western Wall
  • Sterling silver
  • Designed by an Israeli artist and handcrafted in the U.S.A.

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